Our measuring instruments
In our lab, we measure the surface texture of all types of materials, hard and soft, with our tactile and optical instruments
In our unique measurement lab and showroom, you have access to measuring instruments and the latest software for measuring surface structure in profile and areal (3D) on all types of materials and at different scales. We also have optical 3D scanners where we digitize products and help companies make product comparisons and create CAD models from scanned data.

Contact stylus instrument, profile-, areal surface texture and contour analysis
Form Talysurf i-Series PRO 5 from Taylor Hobson, England. Contact method for measuring surface texture, primary, waviness and surface roughness. Both profile and areal. Contour (radii, angles, shape deviations, heights and distances)
Coherence Scanning Interferometer
MicroXAM from ADE Phase Shift Technology, USA. Optical method. For measuring surface texture, primary, waviness and surface roughness. Both profile and areal. Contour (radii, angles, shape deviations, heights and distances)

Structured light scanning microscope
MikroCAD Compact, for measuring surface structure on non-reflective and soft materials. MikroCAD COMPACT from GFM GmbH, Germany. Optical method. For measuring surface texture, primary, waviness and surface roughness. Both profile and areal. Contour (radii, angles, shape deviations, heights and distances)