MountainsMap® surface analysis software

Surface analysis software
Used by thousands of engineers, scientists and metrologists worldwide, MountainsMap® software is the gold standard in 2D and 3D surface texture analysis and measurement for use with profilometers and other surface measurement instruments.
Visualize, correct and analyze profiles and surfaces – Filter roughness & waviness according to ISO 16610 – Calculate ISO profile and area parameters – Extract functional and metrological information from your data using advanced tools: Fourier analysis, particle analysis, step height, shape fitting, wavelet filter, fractal analysis etc. – Load, visualize and analyze freeform surfaces (shells)
Important analysis functions in MountainsMAP®

Surface roughness analysis and iso-parameters
Perform surface roughness analyzes and calculate surface texture parameters according to ISO 25178, ISO 4287, ISO 13565, ISO 21920 and other national standards.
Korrektion av mätdata
Get your measurement data ready for analysis and eliminate outliers, local defects and measurement noise.

Surface geometry
Effective and accurate analysis of surface geometry (distances, angles, surfaces of peaks and troughs, volumes of elevations and holes, step heights on surfaces and profiles, etc.)
Surface joining
Easily combine multiple measurements that overlap horizontally or join two or more surface measurements taken at different heights.

Analyzes of free form surfaces
Import, visualize and analyze freeforms (shells) in various file formats such as STL, OBJ, PLY and 3MF. Also comparison against CAD data.

Fiber and particle analysis
Automatically identify and quantify fibers, grains, particles, islands, pores/holes and texture cells.
Korrelativ analys
Correlate the same features on 3D surface topography data and in images obtained from different instruments (e.g. SEM, AFM).